A tale of A

Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
3 min readOct 17, 2019

Another achievement at 16 — getting a call from Google

Even the toughest objects can be broken when they are subjected to excess pressure.

A is tired of life, depressed, confused and ultimately blanked. He feels he isn’t acknowledged enough or appreciated for his little work. Basically, he thinks in a rather absurd manner — recognition is gained after a series of breathtaking works and accomplishments. He hasn’t actually made series of breathtaking works and accomplishments.

Luck isn’t shared equally, it’s more like finding a pebble among stones — which is basically a probability. A doesn’t know that. He instead compares his life to others in his age group, his accomplishments to theirs, his worth ( in luxury terms — phones, gadgets etc) to theirs. A has forgotten that ‘all fingers aren’t equal’, but how will he find out if he only compares his finger whilst folding them ?

Pathetic! But, A is just a teen with no credible friend and confidant, those he calls friends aren’t intelligent enough to comprehend and blend with his thoughts, and emotions. Luckily, A has two close friends ( relationship is more than friends) both bearing A. Both A’s are the only friends with whom he can share his thoughts and bleed his emotions into, funny enough his sisters who are also his confidants bear A. They’re more like a cotton cloth attached to a wound surface.

There’s a bigger picture which A doesn’t look into or even try to see. A has achieved a lot and even gotten recognition by great people.

A has made great impact in peoples life. Now A doesn’t care about any competition or how people see him. Whether broke or rich, A doesn’t care. ‘I’ll become successful also, it’s a gradual process’ — a constant thought embalmed in his mind like the logo of a company.

With all these thoughts and worries, A didn’t know it was depression because A thinks deep most of the time. He thought it was one of his normal thoughts. But he was wrong, these thoughts kept coming to his mind saddening him whenever he looks at his current state. A started loosing his skills, extended family also added to his depressed state — life isn’t as one think it is. Life is quite DEEP, lol.

But A kept going, moving steady and then got a break from this life. He turned to music, water and sleep — nothing cures depression other than that. He intensified his deaf ears to his surrounding so he doesn’t care what people around him say. He is a type that actually doesn’t care what you say about him, he lives a weird but unique simple life. Now A is better.

A will continue living his simple life and enjoy his youthful life ( as Guy Sensei will say ) , minding his business and ultimately making time for the ones who truly loves him and likewise.

While it might not look like a win to others which A doesn’t even care about, one of A’s big win is getting recognized by Google at his young age — from getting an invite to the secret FooBar challenge to getting a call from the Talent Specialist at Google. Even if A doesn’t secure a job at Google, A considers it a big win which ultimately made him happy after all these months of depression, sadness and anger filled days.

Well, A has dropped his pen. Who knows when A might publish next ?




Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina

I'm Abdul..!. Software Enthusiast, Writer, Food Lover and Hacker.